Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Four Common Troubling Dilemmas with Home Security Systems and How to Get Rid Of Them

The development of home security systems nowadays is completely laudable. True enough, people have seen major leaps in terms of features, technology, and service. But despite this notable feat for the industry, consumers still encounter some troubling dilemmas about the performance of security devices. No matter how advanced the devices are, complications are always inevitable, causing its failure to provide safety to its master.

Here are the five most common problems which security system owners can encounter at home and how they can deal with them.

1. Instant Trigger or Poorly Calibrated Sensor that Cause False Alarm

One of the most frustrating dilemmas a user wish to avoid is false alarm. This occasion happens very often as a result of improperly installed or poorly calibrated security system. As a result of poor installation, sensors and triggers are instantly provoked even from small movements from doors and windows or motions from falling tree branches or moving pets.

This makes the device less reliable and can cause the owner relevant fines as such cases can be penalized, depending if the city ordinance provides so.

No to False Alarm: To avoid cases of false alarms, the owner must ensure that the home security system is properly installed. In addition, he or she must tap the service of professionals for regular inspection.

2. Abrupt System Failure Leading to Malfunctions

Poorly installed security system is one problem. System failure, which can be a result of erroneous programming, is another headache. This problem may arise from major factors such as changes in the layout of the building and can lead to dangerous emergencies if not immediately attended.

Avoid Malfunctions: To prevent system failure due to incorrect programming, the owner must update his or her security provider regarding layout changes so that reprogramming can be done.

3. Limited Home Coverage

Sometimes due to lower prices, consumers are lured to some security package that provides limited home coverage, which are mostly focused on the building’s major entry and exit points, leaving other points unguarded.

Expand the Coverage: In order to prevent limited coverage of the home security system, the owner must consider the reliability of the product rather than affordability. Furthermore, as the owner of the building, one must have thorough and comprehensive evaluation of the potential entry and exit points and other access to the area.

4. Inability of the System to Arm and/or Disarm

There are home security devices that give the green light before they can be armed or disarmed. In some cases, owners may encounter that they are not working or the green light does not pop up even though major entry and exit points are properly closed. This is also a major case of device malfunction that can result to unwanted situations.

Solution to the Problem: Check the wiring connecting the control panel to the device as it may have suffered slight damage or much better, consult professionals for inspections.

Alarm Masters Corp is a trusted company in fire and security alarms and monitoring. For more information, visit https://www.alarmmasterscorp.com.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Five Huge Tips to Benefit from Fire and Smoke Alarm in Florida

Fire and smoke alarms in Florida are a huge tool to combat crimes and emergencies that are rampant to the area. Based on the reports, there is an average of 30000 death toll from fire incidents in US tallied every year. And studies have revealed that one of the major reasons was because of alarm devices that were properly working.

It was a double whammy - losing people’s live from losing money because of investing in busted devices. This is also a reminder that security devices cannot do it alone but people need to take actions in ensuring their safety and security.

Here are five major tips, people can consider, in order to benefit from fire and smoke alarms. (This is not to destroy the reputation of alarm companies in the city but to remind people that they must do something to assure that their investment would not be put in vain.)

1. CHECK THE PRODUCTS - Though a lot of companies in Florida are legit, there are still cases that some products are defective, those that unexpectedly passed the proverbial eye of the quality assurance department. According to the law, the fire and smoke alarm in Florida should contain ‘label of independent testing laboratory. Consumers should make sure that it is present in the security devices.

2. BATTERIES ARE LIFE - Most smoke alarms are powered by batteries, without them they cannot work. As an owner of security devices, take time to check the batteries of smoke alarms if they are in proper condition and change them if not. Based on statistics, some household victims of fire were those that do not have working alarms. Sustainability is a key to productive security devices.

3. SOMETIMES, ONE IS NOT ENOUGH - Smoke alarms are loud and noisy devices but sometimes one is not enough. There are few types of households and buildings. Always remember, choose the device and security system that fits needs and lifestyle. A bigger facility normally takes two or three alarms so that everyone can hear them.

4. MONTHLY CHECK UP- Just like people’s body, security devices need their own doctor. To monitor its condition and its quality, conduct a monthly testing or check up to the device. Some companies in Florida offer a package that includes checking and monitoring, so better invest to those companies for more convenience.

5. CHANGE IS INEVITABLE - Fire and smoke alarm in Florida are normally reliable, useful,and functional. But time will come that people have to change their device. It is advisable to replace the smoke alarms every 8-10 years. That is normally a long span and a period of worthy investment.

***When looking for fire alarm systems in Florida, you can check out Alarm Masters Corp, a trusted fire safety and alarms systems supplier/contractor. You can check out their website at www.alarmmasterscorp.com.***

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Fire and Alarm System: The Device that Does Not Cry Wolf

People will sometimes say that installing security devices in their houses would cost them a lot. But in a world where the number of committed crimes grows in a rapid pace, not installing a system could be costlier. Although some devices are notably expensive, they have proven that they can weave magic and do wonders to the lives of many people. Fire and alarm system is one useful device that can cater guaranteed safety to both workplaces and residential areas. The system is designed to determine possible cause or build-up of fire. It activates when a source of potential fire is detected so that people will have time to evacuate.

With its effectiveness, there is no doubt fire and alarm system is a device that does not cry wolf.

Saving Grace
Fire and alarm system do not just provide safety to the occupants of a certain place. It also protects the members of emergency and safety personnel if early detection of potential fire is made. Smoke alarms are the most common device that detects potential fire outbreak. But as technology progress, the features and design of fire and alarm system also developed. Currently, there are now monitored systems that are more high tech and more efficient in detecting the presence of smoke or source of heat. It also automatically contacts the authorities afterwards.

Fire alarm system is not just a display in house and workplaces. It can be the saving grace in times of unexpected catastrophe. And there are stories that will prove of this case.

In January 13 of the current year, a family from North Houston was saved in the nick of time by the use of fire alarm. At late night, there was a small fire that started building in their home. The homeowner Candyss Roberson was sleeping until she heard the loud noise from the smoke alarm and she was able to inform her mom to get out of the house.

Another story happened in Indiana, when the same device did the same wonders on the lives of mother Cathy Evans and her daughter Jessica. She left the stove open in the night of June 2016. She was taking care of his husband when she heard an instant pop, which followed by the banging noise as the fire alarm went off. She used a fire extinguisher to destroy fire and her daughter Jennifer carried his dad outside the house.

She then told the media that she was thankful for the fire alarm and reminded everyone the importance of having one in every home.

Finally, another life was saved with the aid of fire and alarm system, this time it’s the monitored version. An 82-year old woman fell out her wheel chair while preparing her food. With the woman left helpless on the floor, the food in the pan was burned because the stove was left at a high level. It could have toasted the whole house and killed the woman but the alarm went off and the company monitoring the house phoned 911, which in turn summoned the fire personnel.

The fire and alarm system is a proven life-saver. It is a device that does not cry wolf. If home and business owners still doubt to install one, maybe it is time for them to rethink.


Thursday, September 28, 2017

Home Security Solutions and Its Evolution through Time

People do not normally give credit to the past. While many have been accustomed with the current features of home security solutions, the system have existed since time immemorial. Even the previous generations have to rely to some forms of security to keep them from harm, although they did not have the same kind of technology before. Despite that, they have endured and along with their survival is the technological development in security systems for houses and business establishments. From the ancient times, the technology has made significant steps toward efficiency and superiority. Looking back at the history of home security, here is how they evolved through time.

Early Locks Were Unusual
Egyptians as First Proponents- During the prehistoric times, many races have been using the concept of home security but it was believed that the Egyptians were the first to use door locks. The Ancient Egypt created the first lock made out of pure woods and was used as pin tumbler. Later on, the concept was improved by Greeks and Romans.

17th Century – In the early part of the 17th century, an inventor from England named Tildesley gave birth to the creation of the first door alarm used to counter intrusion. After more than 70 years, the lever tumbler lock, a double acting lock, was invented by Robert Barron from the same country.

18th Century – In the following century, Jeremiah Chubb named his invention after himself and created the Chubb lock in 1818, a device possessing higher level of internal security.

Ancient Gates Tower over Everyone
The ancient security was more in physical form. Early people erected huge gates, towering over everyone, in their castles to gain control in the access of its people, vehicle, and goods. Almost every city built this type of foundation to protect their territory in times of war.

The First Bell Alarms Started Making Noise
1853- With the development pushing through, the first bell alarm was invented by Mr. Augutus R. Pope, a native of Massachusetts. His creation led to the first device that used electromagnetic force. It was a security system that worked when a door or window was opened, and then the alarm goes off when a signal is sent through the wiring in the system.

His invention was bought by Edwin Holmes, who later on established the first electrical alarm systems firm in the history.

Bell Alarm Found Its Sibling
After the first bell alarms were created, the earliest telegraph monitored alarm followed through. An inventor, in the name of Edward A. Calahan, introduced the device in 1871. During that time, houses were monitored using a telegraph. Compared to today's monitored alarm, his system may use less advance communications – it did not use internet or phone lines- but it worked on the same principles.

CCTVs Were First Criticized before Accepted
The concept of video surveillance was a controversial topic in 1940, when the popular author George Orwell released his '1984' novel, citing the issue of invading one's privacy.

It was in the late 1960's when the closed-circuit TV system, or the CCTV, received the public's acceptance. American Marie Van Brittan Brown invented the system that used four peep holes and a camera to monitor a certain area.

Then Innovation Pushed Through
The current home security solutions have defied the laws of sciences. The technological revolution has helped the device evolved into more sophisticated, more efficient, and smaller in sizes. Today's systems are known for their robust physical security and intelligence. Their features also take them into the next level. They consist of infrared motion detectors, sensors, high-tech cameras, wifi abilities, and many more.